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RWE Design in the Age of Data

the power of codefs


Transparency = Trust.


Computable Phenotypes and CODefs can increase transparency in your RWE Design and your assessment of fit-for-purpose RWD.

"Small differences in the choice of operational definition … may have a large impact on study results.”

Use of Real-World Evidence to Support Regulatory Decision Making for Medical Devices | December 19, 2023.

Transparency at the study data element level

Use CODefs to map EACH study element to EACH data variable.

Increased level of transparency drives increased trust in both the scientific rationale and data science behind your study design.

The Power of CODefs.


Precision in Stakeholder Engagement

Regulators and other external stakeholders are increasingly demanding greater levels of precision and transparency in discussions about the potential for use of Real World Data in studies.


RWE Sherpa allows you to address RWE Design in the Age of Data and gives you the ability to show precisely how your study design aligns with Real World Data Sources.

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